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Supporting Health Care for Elliot Lake and Area
St. Joseph's General Hospital • St. Joseph's Manor • Oaks Centre



                       Tree of Lights 2024

Dear St. Joseph’s Foundation Supporter:


St. Joseph’s Foundation of Elliot Lake is launching our annual ‘Tree of Lights’ campaign. This event gives the community an opportunity to honour and commemorate loved ones.  

Due to the generosity of people in the community and businesses over the years the Foundation has been able to raise money for the purchase of a CT machine, replace fifty-four hospital beds as well as purchasing equipment for the OR, ICU/ER, and laboratory.  Most recently the Foundation was able to reach our goal to support the Pharmacy renovations to expand the services provided in the Oncology Unit.

This year the Tree of Lights goal is to raise $25,000 to assist in modernization and upgrades to the Operating Room Suites.  This will allow both O.R. Suites to be used and hopefully assist in attracting more surgeons/physicians and specialists to our community.  We hope that this year’s ‘Tree of Lights’ campaign will enable us to make this happen.  

In the past, the donors listing and dedications were printed in the Standard and on Facebook.  Due to the fact that not many people subscribe to the Standard we feel the best method of sharing your dedication would be on Facebook (FB) starting December 1st, 2024.  It will be listed on St. Joseph’s Foundation Facebook site, and other local FB sites, which will be made sharable.   The listing will also be posted on the television screen in the lobby of the ELNOS building.   

St. Joseph’s Foundation is a registered charitable organization, which means your donations are tax deductible; another good reason to support this worthy cause.

We can only achieve this goal through the generosity of our community partners.

We hope that we can rely on your support for the ‘Tree of Lights’ campaign this year.



Deborah Dubois

Chair, St Joseph’s Foundation of Elliot Lake                                    


Cathy Hall / Cleta Sarich / Pat Stirling

Tree of Lights Co-ordinators.  



L'Arbre des Lumières 2024

Cher partisan de la St. Joseph's Foundation :​


Joseph's Foundation of Elliot Lake lance sa campagne annuelle « Tree of Lights ». Cet événement donne à la communauté l'occasion d'honorer et de commémorer des êtres chers.  

Grâce à la générosité des membres de la communauté et des entreprises au fil des ans, la Fondation a pu recueillir des fonds pour l'achat d'un tomodensitomètre, le remplacement de cinquante-quatre lits d'hôpital ainsi que l'achat d'équipement pour le bloc opératoire, l'unité de soins intensifs et de réanimation et le laboratoire.  Plus récemment, la Fondation a pu atteindre son objectif de soutenir les rénovations de la pharmacie afin d'étendre les services fournis dans l'unité d'oncologie.

Cette année, l'objectif de l'Arbre des lumières est de collecter 25 000 dollars pour contribuer à la modernisation et à l'amélioration des suites de la salle d'opération.  Cela permettra d'utiliser les deux salles d'opération et, nous l'espérons, d'attirer davantage de chirurgiens, de médecins et de spécialistes dans notre communauté.  Nous espérons que la campagne de l'Arbre des lumières de cette année nous permettra de réaliser cet objectif.  

Par le passé, la liste des donateurs et les dédicaces étaient publiées dans le Standard et sur Facebook.  Étant donné que peu de personnes sont abonnées au Standard, nous pensons que la meilleure façon de partager votre dédicace serait sur Facebook (FB) à partir du 1er décembre 2024.  Joseph's Foundation et d'autres sites FB locaux, qui pourront être partagés.   La liste sera également affichée sur l'écran de télévision situé dans le hall d'entrée du bâtiment ELNOS.   

Joseph's Foundation est une organisation caritative enregistrée, ce qui signifie que vos dons sont déductibles des impôts ; une autre bonne raison de soutenir cette noble cause.

Nous ne pouvons atteindre cet objectif que grâce à la générosité de nos partenaires communautaires.

Nous espérons pouvoir compter sur votre soutien pour la campagne de l'Arbre des Lumières cette année.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées,


Deborah Dubois,                                             Cathy Hall / Cleta Sarich / Pat Stirling
Présidente, St Joseph's Foundation of Elliot Lake    Coordinatrices de l'Arbre des lumière  


  Supporting Health Care for Elliot Lake and Area
St. Joseph's General Hospital • StJoseph's Manor • Oaks Centre



Foundation Board Members:
Pictured Left to Right

Patti Todevic, Cleta Sarich
representing Earle Jones

Pat Stirling, Cathy Hall
representing Leslie SanCartier


This year we are honoring two citizens from the Elliot Lake area both of whom worked in the health
field and passed away due to cancer.


Earle Jones
September 15, 1953 – June 25th, 2024


Earle was born in Montreal, QC and grew up in the Eastern Townships. He had a great love of music and played guitar, wrote songs and sang with Oliver Klaus as well as performing on his own. 
Earle had a passion for the outdoors, canoeing, snowshoeing and going on his ATV. 
Earle returned to school as an adult to obtain his degree in nursing, following which he worked as a homecare nurse for Bayshore.   He loved knowing that he could help people in their recovery or support them in their journey to the end. Even near the end of his own life he was concerned for his patients. 
Earle served on the Board of St. Joseph’s Foundation for two years


Lesley Mary San Cartier was born in Birmingham, England.  Following graduation from Queen Elizabeth School of Nursing Lesley came to Canada in 1962 to work in Northern Ontario at St. Joseph’s General Hospital for a year which turned into 30 years.  

Lesley had a passion for knitting, crafting and baking.  She was a volunteer for Special Olympics, Club 90 and the Harvest Kitchen for many years.


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Pictured are Louise Farkouh & Roland Aube
along with Deborah Dubois Chair and Earle Jones

Vice Chair of the Foundation


In Memory of Leslie Aube & George Farkouh


We lost a valued Foundation Board member this past year.

Leslie Claire (Shamess) Aubé died following a courageous 20 year battle with cancer.

Leslie moved to Elliot Lake in 1967 where she taught for 30 years until her retirement. For many years she was a music teacher.

During her career and after retirement, Leslie continued to serve her community. She served as Vice-Chair on the Board of St. Joseph’s Foundation of Elliot Lake.  She was a life member of St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary and sat on the Board of Directors of the Hospital for 12 years, finishing her term as Chairman. Leslie was also on the board of directors of various organizations including the White Mountain Academy, the Arts Club and the Elliot Lake Legal Clinic.

Leslie and her husband Roland volunteered their time assisting in the organization of the Annual Elliot Lake Community Christmas dinner for five years. 

Leslie was an artist and painted numerous scenes of the North Channel; she was known as the rock lady. She donated several paintings over the years and cruised the North Channel of Lake Huron extensively as the admiral on the family boat.

Leslie will be missed for so many reasons, two in particular are her smiling face and beautiful blue eyes.


L'année dernière, nous avons perdu un membre important du conseil de fondation.

Leslie Claire (Shamess) Aubé est décédée après une lutte courageuse de 20 ans contre le cancer.

Pendant sa carrière et après sa retraite, Leslie a continué à servir sa communauté. Elle a été vice-présidente du conseil d'administration de la St. Joseph's Foundation d'Elliot Lake.   Elle était membrè à vie de St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary et a siégé au conseil d'administration de l'hôpital pendant 12 ans, terminant son mandat en tant que présidente. Leslie a également siégé au conseil d'administration de diverses organisations, dont la White Mountain Academy, le Arts Club et la Elliot Lake Legal Clinic.

Leslie et son mari Roland ont participé bénévolement à l'organisation du dîner de Noël annuel de la communauté d'Elliot Lake pendant cinq ans.

Leslie était une artiste et a peint de nombreuses scènes du North Channel ; elle était connue sous le nom de "rock lady". Elle a fait don de plusieurs tableaux au fil des ans et a beaucoup navigué dans le chenal nord du lac Huron en tant qu'amiral du bateau familial.

Leslie nous manquera pour de nombreuses raisons, dont deux en particulier : son visage souriant et ses magnifiques yeux bleus.


George was born in Acre, Palestine on May 27, 1947.  In April 1948, the family was forced to leave their home and move to Beirut, Lebanon, as refugees. In August 1959, the Farkouh family was sponsored by George’s oldest brother, who moved the family to Elliot Lake.

George completed his elementary and secondary education in Elliot Lake, then went on to graduate with degrees from Laurentian University and Western University, including a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Ivey School of Business in 1973.

In 1973, George married Louise, and in 1975, they decided to move from Toronto back to Elliot Lake, so that George could partner with his brother Fawzi to open Farkouh Chevrolet. In 1986, George and Louise purchased Algoma Chrysler Inc., eventually expanding to three locations. 

George was first elected as a Councillor of Elliot Lake in 1986, and then elected and served as Mayor from 1988 until 2006. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and served on many boards, including St. Joseph’s General Hospital and Elliot Lake Retirement Living. George was an active member of the Elliot Lake Tennis Club and Stoneridge Golf Course, where he enjoyed not only the sport, but the time to socialize with his friends and visitors to Elliot Lake.

George always believed in the community of Elliot Lake and wanted generations of families to enjoy its many offerings, it was the city he loved, where he met Louise, and where they raised their five children. George had a great love of life, even after his cancer diagnosis, he was determined to live life to the fullest and fought a very brave battle until the end.  George died on August 29, 2023, he is sadly missed, but always remembered, especially by Louise, his children, and his grandchildren.


George est né à Acre, en Palestine, le 27 mai 1947.  En avril 1948, sa famille a été contrainte de quitter sa maison et de se réfugier à Beyrouth, au Liban. En août 1959, la famille Farkouh a été parrainée par le frère aîné de George, qui l'a installée à Elliot Lake.

George a fait ses études primaires et secondaires à Elliot Lake, puis a obtenu des diplômes de l'Université Laurentienne et de l'Université Western, dont une maîtrise en administration des affaires (MBA) de l'Ivey School of Business en 1973.

En 1973, George a épousé Louise et, en 1975, ils ont décidé de quitter Toronto pour revenir à Elliot Lake, afin que George puisse s'associer à son frère Fawzi pour ouvrir Farkouh Chevrolet. En 1986, George et Louise achètent Algoma Chrysler Inc. et l'étendent à trois emplacements.

George a été élu pour la première fois conseiller municipal d'Elliot Lake en 1986, puis il a été élu maire de 1988 à 2006. Il était membre de la loge maçonnique et a siégé à de nombreux conseils d'administration, notamment ceux de l'hôpital général St. Joseph et d'Elliot Lake Retirement Living. George était un membre actif du club de tennis d'Elliot Lake et du terrain de golf Stoneridge, où il appréciait non seulement le sport, mais aussi le temps passé avec ses amis et les visiteurs d'Elliot Lake.

George a toujours cru en la communauté d'Elliot Lake et a voulu que des générations de familles profitent de ses nombreux avantages. C'est la ville qu'il aimait, où il a rencontré Louise et où ils ont élevé leurs cinq enfants. George aimait beaucoup la vie, même après le diagnostic de son cancer, il était déterminé à vivre pleinement et a mené une bataille très courageuse jusqu'à la fin.  George est décédé le 29 août 2023. Il nous manque beaucoup, mais nous nous souviendrons toujours de lui, en particulier Louise, ses enfants et ses petits-enfants.




Special Dedication Photo
Left to Right

Cleta Sarich (foundation board rep)

Christine Dean

Brenda Farquhar

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Wendell William Farquhar

Wendell was born in Little Current, Ontario on Manitoulin Island.  He moved to Elliot Lake with his family in the Spring of 1958.  Wendell attended ELSS and worked in the family dairy business.  In 1965 he married his childhood sweetheart, Brenda Wilson and they became the parents of two beautiful boys.  Around 1971 Wendell left his family’s business and ventured out on his own creating a sand and gravel construction business.   Wendell Farquhar Trucking Ltd., a business he owned and operated until his death.  Wendell took great pride in hiring local employees allowing families to remain in Elliot Lake.  Wendell’s legacy lives o through his respected and unbiased leadership and his dedication in helping to create the strong community we are today.

Dan Dean

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Dan was a Registered Medical Laboratory Technologist, a Registered Microbiology Technologist and a Registered Cytology Technologist. His career began at the Woodstock General Hospital 1971. In 1981 he became the Manager of Bio- Science Laboratory in Windsor. In 2001 Dan, moved to Elliot Lake where he finished his career reading cytology smears for Gamma- Dynacare Laboratories.


Dan was very involved in his Church, The Knights of Columbus and his community. He enjoyed his time volunteering at the Food Bank for many years. He served two terms on the SJGH board of Governors as the Bishop’s representative.  He served on the Hospital Foundation until he became ill earlier this year. 


Dan was ordained a Deacon of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie in 2014 and served in this capacity at Our Lady of Fatima Parish (now Paroisse Ste Bernadette Parish) in Elliot Lake ministering to the spiritual needs of parishioners and at St Joseph General Hospital, St. Joseph’s Manor, Huron Lodge and Hillside Park.


Dan was a quiet family man with a keen sense of humour.



Wilma Ingram moved to Elliot Lake with her husband John in 1959 where they raised six daughters.  Wilma was very active in the community volunteering her time as a chaperon on school trips, camping with Brownies, Royal Canadian Legion, Salvation Army and at St. Joseph’s General Hospital.  


Wilma Ingram est déménagée à Elliot Lake avec son époux en 1959 où ils ont élevé six filles. Wilma était très active dans la communauté en faisant du bénévolat en tant que chaperon pendant les voyages d’école, en faisant du camping avec les Brownies, en participant à la Légion royale canadienne, l’Armée du Salut et l’hôpital général St-Joseph.

Wilma Ingram


Robert Stirling moved to Elliot Lake with his parents in 1958 where he attended public and high school.  Bob was a strong supporter of his community.  Over the years he served on the school board, Parks and Recreation Committee, Chamber of Commerce and ELNOS.  Bob  promoted a healthy life-style and would take the time and effort to help new people enjoy sports.  


Robert Stirling est déménagé à Elliot Lake avec ses parents en 1958 où il a fréquenté l’école publique et l’école secondaire. Bob était un partisan actif de notre communauté. Au cours des années, il a siégé au conseil scolaire, au comité des parcs et loisirs, à la chambre de commerce et à ELNOS. Bob faisait la promotion d’un mode de vie sain et il prenait le temps et faisait l’effort d’aider les gens à profiter des sports. 

Robert Stirling


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Valerie Hosken

Valerie was a long-time resident of Elliot Lake who worked as an RPN and Pharmacy Assistant at St. Joseph’s General Hospital from 1978 – 2007.  Val died surrounded by her loving family and friends in the hospice suite, a room once part of an active obstetrics ward where she worked.  Hearing from Val in her last days, this was a room which was at times filled with her passion for nursing and a fondness for those babies under her care.  Val will be missed dearly by all who had the fortune to meet her.  

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Karen Poulin

Karen was born in Kirkland Lake.  She moved to Elliot Lake in 1982 and graduated from ELSS (around 1984. She started working at St Joseph's hospital in 2000 working in housekeeping almost 20 years before she became ill.  Karen was well liked by her many co-workers and was other hospital staff .  She was known as being a very caring, thoughtful and laidback and always thought of others before herself.


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L to R: Board Member Cleta Sarich, Charlie Flintoff, Jane Primeau, Board Member Dan Dean, Bill Flintoff.

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Carl Flintoff
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Ralph Primeau

The lights of this year’s St. Joseph’s General Hospital Foundation's annual Tree of Lights were all aglow Sunday evening at St. Joseph’s General Hospital in Elliot Lake.
This year, the Tree of Lights was in honour of two long-time Elliot Lake residents who died this year, Carl Flintoff and Ralph Primeau. This year, the lights were switched on by Jane Primeau, widow of Ralph Primeau.
More than 50 people attended the annual tree lighting ceremony.

While Pierre Ozolins, St. Joseph’s General Hospital CEO, was unable to attend this year’s tree lighting ceremony, Elliott expressed Ozolins and the hospital staff’s appreciation and support from the public.
Cleta Sarich delivered the greeting of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie.  The blessing was performed by Dan Dean.


The Jewels and Gents choir performed a couple of Christmas carols, including Joy to the World and Silent Night.
Ann Foy says that this year, she is unable to hold the Christmas Cantata. However, the Jewels and Gents will be performing at a number of locations over the next few weeks.
The event was concluded with the attendees going to the hospital cafeteria for refreshments.




Carl Flintoff presents Board Member Cleta Sarich with a $5000.00 cheque in memory of his wife Jacqueline Flintoff .


Tree of Lights dedicated in memory of Julia Lahaie and Tom Rodgers.  In photo (left to right) is Liz Rodgers and Helen Rodgers, Micheal Lahaie and Tree of Lights co-chair Cleta Sarich,


Tree of Lights dedicated in memory of Gayle Mullins and Aurora Reszel.  In photo (left to right) is Tree of Lights co-chair Pat Stirling, Norma deBortoli representing the Reszel Family and Mike Mullins



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