Carol Rott, vice president of one of the two Beta Sigma Phi chapters in Elliot Lake, made a $700 donation to St. Joseph’s General Hospital Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Pierre Ozolins to the $1.6 million CT Scanner fundraising campaign. (photo by Kris Svela)
An Elliot Lake woman who is a patient at St. Joseph’s General Hospital is challenging others to match her donation of $1,000 for the new CT scanner.
A former Ontario civil servant and avid hospital supporter, Leila Koivuranta, says only $160,000 is needed for the shortfall for the equipment.
She says she really dislikes having to travel for medical care and having the scanner in Elliot Lake will make a huge donation for so many people.
Hospital staff is now in the process of finalizing the model and design with construction planned for early Spring.
Donations may be made to St. Joseph’s Foundation through the hospital business office on the first floor of via mail to St. Joseph’s Foundation, 70 Spine Road, Elliot Lake, ON, P5A 1X2.